Posts Tagged ‘calf’


Beautiful Beach Body – Week2

March 29, 2011

Legs 11

If you’re looking for those perfect pins to display in shorts this summer, then look no further than SuperFitDirect’s leg exercises below. If you train your legs with these exercises 2-3 times per week and work to improve the amount of sets and reps you can do as well as the weight, your legs will shape and tone up in time for summer. To burn of fat from legs you need to also incorporate the exercises with some cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling or an exercise class.


A light free weight

Body ball

Yoga Mat


Inner Thigh Squeeze – (Inner Thighs)  2 sets of 20 reps

Place both hands and knees on your body ball, keep your feet on the floor for balance. Most of your bodyweight should be resting on the ball. Squeeze your knees together into the ball, hold this squeeze position for a second before relaxing but knees in contact with the ball. Repeat for remaining reps.

Side Lunge to Touch -(Inner and outer thighs)  10 reps alternating legs.

Stand with both feet together and your hands by your side. Take a large step to your right, when you place your right foot down, bend your knee and push your bum back as you lower your foot to the ground Once your right thigh is almost parallel to the floor, bend forward and touch your right shin with both hands then, push back up to your starting position and repeat on your left leg.

Perfect pins -(Thighs)   1 minute

Lie on your side and support your head with one hand. Lift your top leg and place you foot onto a chair. Very slowly, lift the lower leg to touch the underside of the chair, hold for a few seconds, lower several inches, then lift straight back. Continue for 30 seconds then switch legs and repeat.

Thigh and Calf squat – (Hips,thigh,calves and bottom) -2 sets of 20 reps

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointing out at 45 degrees. Put your hands on your hips. Bend your knees to 45 degrees and lift your heels off the floor, while squeezing your bottom tight. Slowly lower your heels back and straighten your legs.

Calf raise with dumbbells – (Calves and ankles) 2 sets of 20 reps

Stand with your feet hip -width apart with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise yourself into your tiptoes, keeping your weight evenly distributed between your big toe and little toe on each foot. Slowly lower your heels back to the ground.

Side leg lift- (outer thighs)

Lie on your side in a straight line with your leg on top of the other. Lift your top leg up towards the ceiling and then lower it with control. Pull your tummy into your spine and squeeze your bottom throughout the exercise. Repeat on the other side.