Posts Tagged ‘core’


Back to Flat – Blast Your Post-Baby Fat!

June 2, 2011


Finding time to exercise with a small baby is challenging, and requires support, planning and commitment. The results however are well worth the commitment so, next time dad/friend/grandparent takes baby out for an hour have a go at our postnatal workout and get those abs back into shape !

Having a baby stretches the muscles of your tummy (up to 60cm)  to their limit, so in order to get your shape back you need to draw back these muscles using specially targeted exercises. First work on toning your deepest abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominis. Then slowly build and strengthen the obliques. Finish by shortening and toning the top layer of abdominal muscles known as the rectus abdominis.

The following exercises should only be done once you have had your 6 week check up and the doctor has given you the go ahead to start exercising again. Warm up then perform the exercises for one minute each.

1) Tummy Toner

Lie on an exercise mat facing up, with your knees bent. Draw your belly button in to your spine and hold for a second. Relax and repeat.

2) Pelvic Toner

Lie on an exercise mat facing up, with your knees bent. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for ten-second bursts. Relax and repeat.

3) The Squeeze

Lie on an exercise mat facing up, knees bent with a cushion in between your knees. Squeeze the cushion in between your knees as hard as you can for ten seconds, relax and repeat.

4) Super Woman

Kneel on all fours, simultaneously lift and straighten left arm and right leg holding a super Woman pose for 5 seconds, relax and repeat with other arm and leg.

5) Ballet Move

Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. Lower slowly into a wide squat position. Keep heals on floor and hold for a couple of seconds before repeating.

6) Hand press

From a standing position arms out in front of you chest height, elbows out, push palm of hands together for 5 seconds relax and repeat.

Good Luck Mums!




Strip Fat in 4 Weeks – Top Tips

May 12, 2011

Pick 4 weeks where you have a ‘gap’ in your diary of social events to ensure you do not get tempted!  


No Alcohol, at all!

Drink 2 litres of water per day – No fizzy drinks!

In addition, drink at least 2 cups of green tea per day.


No carbs after 6pm (unless you can fit this around your training program) – so carb up during lunch if you need to.

Always eat Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Stick to the recommended daily calorie allowance (2500cal men, 2000 cal women).

Snack Healthy – No chocolates/sweets/potato chips – Snack healthy with fruit & nuts.


Do at least 3 hours of pure cardio workout per week in addition to your weights workout (aim to burn 500 calories during a workout).

Try to work as many muscle groups as possible in your exercise routine not just the Abs.


Beautiful Beach Body – Week 5

May 4, 2011

The LAST in our 5 week guide for a beautiful beach body focus is on the CHEST! So, here it is….

Top 5 tips for a firmer chest.

Working your chest will make the whole area feel much firmer, your shoulders and triceps will also get a workout when you work your chest, allowing you to burn even more calories.

What you will need


Body Ball

Fitness Mat

How many

Start off with 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps using a light weight, once you are able to do this comfortably move to 2 to 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise 1 (Works –Stomach, chest, back and arms)

Lie with your back on the Body Ball and your knees at right angles, holding a weight in each hand, extend your arms up to the ceiling with your palms facing away from you. This is your start position. Lower your arms above your head while keeping them straight. Return to the start position and repeat.

Exercise 2 (Works – Chest and Armpits)

Lie on a body ball with your head and shoulders supported and your knees at right angles. Holding a weight in each hand, extend your arms up to the ceiling with your palms facing each other (This is the start position). Keep a slight bend in your elbows, open your arms until the weights are in line with your shoulders. Return to your start position and repeat (It is important to keep your tummy and bottom tight and to keep a straight back throughout)

Exercise 3 (Works – Chest, arms and core stability)

Lie with your chest on a body ball, place your hands next to your chest on the ball, keeping your fingers spread open.  Straighten your arms and lift your body off the ball, lower with control.

Exercise 4 (Works – Chest and arms)

Lie on your back with your knees bent, holding a weight in each hand. Bring the weights up to shoulder height, with your palms facing away from you. Extend your arms up to the ceiling, lower the weights until your elbows touch the floor. Extend your arms back up to the start position and repeat.

Exercise 5 (Works –Chest and Arms)

Place a body ball firmly against a wall and lean back against it, hold a weight in each hand with your palms facing inwards. Extend your arms up until the weights meet in the middle, but don’t lock your elbows. This is the start position. Open your arms sideways ubntil the weights are level with your shoulders. Return to the start position


Beautiful Beach Body – Week 4

April 19, 2011

Abs –The miracle tummy toner

Say good bye to your muffin top and make 2011 the summer for your washboard stomach. Follow our fab Ab workout below for four weeks, eat sensibly then enjoy your newly-cinched waist in time for summer.

What You Will Need

Body Ball

Fitness Mat

Medicine Ball

How Many

Ensure you carry out the exercises in order as they are below. Repeat three times, resting for 30 seconds in between each circuit.

Exercise 1 (This will help elongate your torso and flatten your tummy) –  Reps 12

Lie on your back on the floor with your arms and legs stretched out so your body’s in a line. In one movement, lift your torso and legs up as if you were trying to reach your toes, Keep your legs straight throughout. Hold and then lower your body back slowly to the starting position. When carrying out the exercise keep your head in line with your body in order to protect your neck and keep your legs as straight as possible.

Exercise 2 (This move will tighten up the full length of your core, while targeting the muscles at the sides of your torso)  – Reps 15

Lie on your floor with your arms bent and fingers touching the sides of your head. Lift your shoulders using your abdominal muscles and twist your body so your left elbow meets your right knee. Switch sides, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee.

Exercise 3 (This move helps stabilise your spine while working your entire core) –  Reps 20 (10 each side)

Start in a press up position, forming a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Bring your right knee towards your right elbow, pause and then straighten the right knee so you’re back in the start position. Repeat and bring your right knee to your left arm and continue alternating.

Exercise 4 (This exercise targets your upper abdominals and oblique’s) – Reps 15               

Sit on a body ball and hold a medicine ball straight above your head with both hands. Walk your feet out and roll the ball beneath you until your torso is supported on the ball as a slight incline keeping your arms by your ears , contract your abdominals and curl your head, neck and shoulders blades, pause and then slowly lower to the starting position.

Exercise 5 (This stretch will relax your sciatic nerves and release tension in your back and abdominals)

Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, push your back up towards the ceiling and continue arching until you feel a gentle stretch in your back and hold for 15 seconds, then slowly lower your tummy towards the floor, raising your gaze as far as it will go.

Hold this stretch for 15 seconds and repeat three times.


The Correct way to do Sit-ups by Bob Harper

March 31, 2011

Biggest Losers’ Bob Harper shows how to do sit-up correctly & effectively…


Sale on all Yoga & Pilates equipment!

March 28, 2011

Come & visit to get 10% off all Yoga & Pilates equipment!


Boxing Training Tips to Improve Your Fitness and Burn Fat

March 2, 2011

Boxing is a fantastic fat burner, the following workout routine ensures maximum results are achieved through short, sharp sessions designed to deliver a first class workout which you don’t have to spend hours in the gym for.

The plan has been designed to be used on your own with a punch bag or with a buddy using gloves and pads.

Warm up

Combine shadow boxing, skipping and shuttle runs for five minutes, mix them up and constantly make lots of changes of direction.

Workout Routine

Jabs – 1 min – 30 sec right hand/30 sec left

Medicine Ball Chest Pass – 1 min – This can be against a wall or with your buddy

Lateral bench/hurdle jump – 1 min

Jab/cross – 2 min – Left/right combination

Medicine Ball Throw Downs – 1 Min

Tuck Jumps – 1 min                                    

Jab/Cross/Hook – 3 Min –  Left/right combination

Crunch to Medicine Ball Throw – 1 min

Skipping – 1 min

Body Shots – 3 min

Medicine Ball Chest Pass

Great exercise to work shoulders, chest & arms.

Start with a medicine ball against your chest with your elbows out to the side. Keep arms soft & throw the ball against a wall or to your buddy pushing the ball away from your chest. Catch the ball on its return and power through a throw back as quick as possible.                             

Lateral bench/hurdle jumps

This exercise is hard on the legs and will really get your heart racing.

Set up a hurdle that will be challenging however that will still enable you to keep a continuous rhythm. Stand to the side of the hurdle and jump sideways, left to right continuously for the minute. Do not double bounce, keeping your legs and toes soft. To increase intensity try using arm/ankle weights.

Medicine Ball Throw Downs

This will work your upper body.

Hold the ball above your head, throw it down aggressive, getting your whole body behind it. Squat to catch the medicine ball to catch it on its way back up (the harder you throw the ball , the less you will have to squat to catch it again).

Tuck Jumps

This exercise will get your heart pumping and lungs burning, it is essential that you pace yourself for this as a minute can be a long time if you go full guns blazing !

Start with your arms by your side and your feet shoulder width apart. Jump bringing your knees up to your chest whilst pushing your arms straight in front of you. To increase intensity try using arm/ankle weights.

Crunch to Medicine Ball Throw

This is great for an all over ab workout but also includes arms and shoulders.

Set up a weights bench on an incline opposite a wall. Sit back parallel to the floor with the medicine ball against your stomach. Throw the medicine ball against the wall whilst crunching to an upright position. Catch the ball and return to the start position and repeat for the remaining minute.


Jump rope – a tried & trusted cardio workout.

Be as light on your feet as much as you can by using your knees and ankles to keep your rhythm. Stay up right at all times with your tummy pulled in.

Body Shots

A good way to finish with cardio, chest, arms & core workout.

Continuously box your punching bag or buddy’s pads with body shots for 3 mins.

This boxing workout is designed to help you lose the fat and regain those forgotten muscles – Good luck & Let us know how you get on!


Lose Fat & Regain Your Abs!

February 5, 2011

Many people who exercise regularly don’t always get the results they are after, this can be because like any other activity you can get stuck in a rut with the same training week in week. If your Ab program no longer challenges you, its time to kick start the New Year with exercises and advice on abdomen workouts that will help you obtain the ultimate Ab six pack.

You have four tummy muscles . The most commonly trained stomach muscle is your six-pack muscle, which runs from your ribcage down to your hip bones. Your side muscles internal and external make up the next two. You have a deeper and outer layer on both sides. If you train these muscles then this will shape your waistline. Below are a few exercises that will help you get started, Before you complete the following exercises you should always start with a short warm .

Medicine Ball Throw

Areas Trained -Stomach, core and lower back

*Sit with your knees bent, holding a Medicine Ball on your chest.

*Lean backwards until you feel tension in your stomach muscles.

*Throw the Medicine Ball up in the air, catch and repeat.

Ensure your Belly button is pulled in.

The higher you throw the ball the harder your stomach will have to work.


Long Lever Crunches

Areas Trained-Stomach

*Lie on your back with your right arm extended above your head, your right leg straight with your left knee bent.

*Lift your upper and lower body towards each other, bringing your extended right leg level with your left knee`s height, and lower down slowly.

* Repeat to complete one set, then repeat with your left arm and left leg extended.


Crunches with legs at 90 degrees

Areas Trained -Stomach

*Lie on your back with your legs at 90 degrees

*Put your hands next to your temples and look up.

*Lift your shoulders two inches off the floor, relax and repeat.

Don’t pull your knees in towards your chest.

Keep looking at the same point throughout the movement.


Squat with rotations

Areas Trained -Stomach, bum and side muscles

*Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding one dumbbell with both hands at chest height.

*Squat down, bending at the hips and knees. As you return to standing, twist through your waist and raise your right leg upwards and across your body, towards left elbow.

*Squat down again and repeat on the other side. Continue, alternating sides.


For best results

*Perform the exercises slowly. Don’t bounce or use the body’s momentum to do the exercise.

*Never sacrifice quality for quantity.

* Stop and rest if you need to.

Good luck & please let us know how you get on!