
Beautiful Beach Body – Week 5

May 4, 2011

The LAST in our 5 week guide for a beautiful beach body focus is on the CHEST! So, here it is….

Top 5 tips for a firmer chest.

Working your chest will make the whole area feel much firmer, your shoulders and triceps will also get a workout when you work your chest, allowing you to burn even more calories.

What you will need


Body Ball

Fitness Mat

How many

Start off with 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps using a light weight, once you are able to do this comfortably move to 2 to 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise 1 (Works –Stomach, chest, back and arms)

Lie with your back on the Body Ball and your knees at right angles, holding a weight in each hand, extend your arms up to the ceiling with your palms facing away from you. This is your start position. Lower your arms above your head while keeping them straight. Return to the start position and repeat.

Exercise 2 (Works – Chest and Armpits)

Lie on a body ball with your head and shoulders supported and your knees at right angles. Holding a weight in each hand, extend your arms up to the ceiling with your palms facing each other (This is the start position). Keep a slight bend in your elbows, open your arms until the weights are in line with your shoulders. Return to your start position and repeat (It is important to keep your tummy and bottom tight and to keep a straight back throughout)

Exercise 3 (Works – Chest, arms and core stability)

Lie with your chest on a body ball, place your hands next to your chest on the ball, keeping your fingers spread open.  Straighten your arms and lift your body off the ball, lower with control.

Exercise 4 (Works – Chest and arms)

Lie on your back with your knees bent, holding a weight in each hand. Bring the weights up to shoulder height, with your palms facing away from you. Extend your arms up to the ceiling, lower the weights until your elbows touch the floor. Extend your arms back up to the start position and repeat.

Exercise 5 (Works –Chest and Arms)

Place a body ball firmly against a wall and lean back against it, hold a weight in each hand with your palms facing inwards. Extend your arms up until the weights meet in the middle, but don’t lock your elbows. This is the start position. Open your arms sideways ubntil the weights are level with your shoulders. Return to the start position

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