Posts Tagged ‘weights’


Strip Fat in 4 Weeks – Top Tips

May 12, 2011

Pick 4 weeks where you have a ‘gap’ in your diary of social events to ensure you do not get tempted!  


No Alcohol, at all!

Drink 2 litres of water per day – No fizzy drinks!

In addition, drink at least 2 cups of green tea per day.


No carbs after 6pm (unless you can fit this around your training program) – so carb up during lunch if you need to.

Always eat Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Stick to the recommended daily calorie allowance (2500cal men, 2000 cal women).

Snack Healthy – No chocolates/sweets/potato chips – Snack healthy with fruit & nuts.


Do at least 3 hours of pure cardio workout per week in addition to your weights workout (aim to burn 500 calories during a workout).

Try to work as many muscle groups as possible in your exercise routine not just the Abs.


Beautiful Beach Body – Week 3

April 6, 2011


Are you fed up of sporting bingo wings and feel uncomfortable with your arms on display? Then make this summer different and wear vest tops and sleeveless tops with confidence with our workout guide below on how to achieve the perfect slim and sculpted arms.

It is a myth that you need to use heavy weights in order to make your arms toned and beautiful. Muscles work in pairs -when one muscle contracts, the opposite muscle relaxes, so it is important to work opposite muscle groups in equal balance. This means when you work your biceps you need to ensure you work your triceps too.

 What you will need


Body Ball

How Many?

If you are a beginner you should aim for 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps. once you are able to carry this out comfortably then increase this to 3 sets of 15 reps.

The Bingo Wing Fighter

This exercise will target the wobbly bit on the underside of your upper arm.

Stand with feet hip width apart, holding your dumbbell in each hand by your sides and squat so that your dumbbell is just in front of your feet. Return to standing position quickly pulling your dumbbells up so that they finish either side of your chin. Your elbows should be high and out to the sides, ensuring your back is kept straight throughout the exercise.

Triceps Extension

This exercise will work your triceps.

Kneel on the floor with your back straight. Hold your dumbbell in your right hand and extend it up to the ceiling. Lower the dumbbell to your shoulder blade. Extend your arm to the ceiling but be careful not to lock your elbow. Repeat exercise with your left arm.

Front Raises

This exercise will work your shoulders.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with the palm of your hand facing down. Keep your arms in front of your thighs with a slight bend in your elbows. Lift your right arm by rotating out 90 degrees (up to your shoulder height) and then lower it again with control, repeat with your left arm ensuring that your don’t swing your body to lift either of the dumbbells up. 

The Upper Arm Toner

This exercise works your triceps, biceps and also your shoulders.

Sit upright on a bodyball, with your legs slightly apart for balance. Hold your dumbbell in your right hand above your head and with your left hand on your hip. Bend your elbow and lower your dumbbell behind you, until it touches your shoulder blade. Lift back up to your starting position, repeat this for the duration of your sets of reps and then repeat with your other arm.


Double Punch

This exercise is great for working biceps, triceps, shoulders and also your forearms.

Sit upright on a bodyball holding a dumbbell in each hand at chin height, your arms should be bent in tight to your body. Press both dumbbells out in front of you and  repeat again. Lift both dumbbells up above your head until your arms are completely straight, palms inwards. Lower then repeat this again, This four move sequence equals one rep.

For best results

Carry out the exercises slowly; speeding up will cause you to use speed rather than your strength.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Q&A

March 22, 2011

Check out this video of Arnie’s Fitness Q&A some years ago…some excellent words of advive!


Music to Power You Through…

March 10, 2011

We’re talking music &  want to know which tunes ‘Push you through the barrier’.

Whether your doing a 15km run and hit the wall, a hill climb program on the bicycle or the last 10 reps of your weights program. What song or songs power you through your workout??


5 Exercise Tips To Tone And Define Your Arms For The Summer

March 8, 2011

If you’re looking for toned arms that you won’t mind flaunting this summer, then have a look at our workout plan, they will have your arms looking shapely and toned in no time at all.

Muscles work in pairs so when one muscle is contracting the other muscle is relaxing, therefore it is important to work opposite muscle groups.

What you will need


Body Ball

How Many?

If you are a beginner you should aim for 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps. once you are able to carry this out comfortably then increase this to 3 sets of 15 reps.

The Bingo Wing Fighter

This exercise will target the wobbly bit on the underside of your upper arm.

Stand with feet hip width apart, holding your dumbbell in each hand by your sides and squat so that your dumbbell is just in front of your feet. Return to standing position quickly pulling your dumbbells up so that they finish either side of your chin. Your elbows should be high and out to the sides, ensuring your back is kept straight through out the exercise.


Triceps Extension

This exercise will work your triceps.


Kneel on the floor with your back straight. Hold your dumbbell in your right hand and extend it up to the ceiling. Lower the dumbbell to your shoulder blade. Extend your arm to the ceiling but be careful not to lock your elbow. Repeat exercise with your left arm.

Front Raises

This exercise will work your shoulders.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with the palm of your hand facing down. Keep your arms in front of your thighs with a slight bend in your elbows. Lift your right arm by rotating out 90 degrees (up to your shoulder height) and then lower it again with control, repeat with your left arm ensuring that your don’t swing your body to lift either of the dumbbells up. 

The Upper Arm Toner

This exercise works your triceps, biceps and also your shoulders.

Sit upright on a bodyball, with your legs slightly apart for balance. Hold your dumbbell in your right hand above your head and with your left hand on your hip. Bend your elbow and lower your dumbbell behind you, until it touches your shoulder blade. Lift back up to your starting position, repeat this for the duration of your sets of reps and then repeat with your other arm. 

Double Punch

This exercise is great for working biceps, triceps, shoulders and also your forearms.

Sit upright on a bodyball holding a dumbbell in each hand at chin height, your arms should be bent in tight to your body. Press both dumbbells out in front of you and  repeat again. Lift both dumbbells up above your head until your arms are completely straight, palms inwards. Lower then repeat this again, This four move sequence equals one rep.

For best results

Carry out the exercises slowly; speeding up will cause you to use speed rather than your strength.


Boxing Training Tips to Improve Your Fitness and Burn Fat

March 2, 2011

Boxing is a fantastic fat burner, the following workout routine ensures maximum results are achieved through short, sharp sessions designed to deliver a first class workout which you don’t have to spend hours in the gym for.

The plan has been designed to be used on your own with a punch bag or with a buddy using gloves and pads.

Warm up

Combine shadow boxing, skipping and shuttle runs for five minutes, mix them up and constantly make lots of changes of direction.

Workout Routine

Jabs – 1 min – 30 sec right hand/30 sec left

Medicine Ball Chest Pass – 1 min – This can be against a wall or with your buddy

Lateral bench/hurdle jump – 1 min

Jab/cross – 2 min – Left/right combination

Medicine Ball Throw Downs – 1 Min

Tuck Jumps – 1 min                                    

Jab/Cross/Hook – 3 Min –  Left/right combination

Crunch to Medicine Ball Throw – 1 min

Skipping – 1 min

Body Shots – 3 min

Medicine Ball Chest Pass

Great exercise to work shoulders, chest & arms.

Start with a medicine ball against your chest with your elbows out to the side. Keep arms soft & throw the ball against a wall or to your buddy pushing the ball away from your chest. Catch the ball on its return and power through a throw back as quick as possible.                             

Lateral bench/hurdle jumps

This exercise is hard on the legs and will really get your heart racing.

Set up a hurdle that will be challenging however that will still enable you to keep a continuous rhythm. Stand to the side of the hurdle and jump sideways, left to right continuously for the minute. Do not double bounce, keeping your legs and toes soft. To increase intensity try using arm/ankle weights.

Medicine Ball Throw Downs

This will work your upper body.

Hold the ball above your head, throw it down aggressive, getting your whole body behind it. Squat to catch the medicine ball to catch it on its way back up (the harder you throw the ball , the less you will have to squat to catch it again).

Tuck Jumps

This exercise will get your heart pumping and lungs burning, it is essential that you pace yourself for this as a minute can be a long time if you go full guns blazing !

Start with your arms by your side and your feet shoulder width apart. Jump bringing your knees up to your chest whilst pushing your arms straight in front of you. To increase intensity try using arm/ankle weights.

Crunch to Medicine Ball Throw

This is great for an all over ab workout but also includes arms and shoulders.

Set up a weights bench on an incline opposite a wall. Sit back parallel to the floor with the medicine ball against your stomach. Throw the medicine ball against the wall whilst crunching to an upright position. Catch the ball and return to the start position and repeat for the remaining minute.


Jump rope – a tried & trusted cardio workout.

Be as light on your feet as much as you can by using your knees and ankles to keep your rhythm. Stay up right at all times with your tummy pulled in.

Body Shots

A good way to finish with cardio, chest, arms & core workout.

Continuously box your punching bag or buddy’s pads with body shots for 3 mins.

This boxing workout is designed to help you lose the fat and regain those forgotten muscles – Good luck & Let us know how you get on!


5 Easy Steps To Increase Your Metabolism

February 21, 2011

Get you body burning calories from the moment you open your eyes in the morning to the second you head hits the pilliow at night – Follow these 5 easy Metabolism-Boosting steps that can be easily incorpoated into your every day life.

1) Start your day with half a grapefruit at breakfast, this reduces insulin levels whilst increasing your metabolic rate.

2) Have a cup of green tea mid morning instead of your usual caffine fix. Green tea contains catechin polyphenols these are plant chemicals that have been shown to boost metabolism.

3) Head to the gym during your lunch and train with weights, this will help keep the fat furnace burning as you rest. If you want to see big benefits incorporate this into your daily routine.

4)  Dont believe brussel sprouts should be kept just for Christmas -Incorporate them into your evening meal as they are high in vitamin C and protein levels and will help improve your metabolism.

5) Before you put your bedside light out at night drink 500ml of water -studies show this helps increrase your metabolic rates by 30%, speeding up weight loss.

Good luck and let us know how you incorporate these tips into your life style!